@article{oai:nihon-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000323, author = {難波, 亜紀 and 岩崎, 大 and 上田, 龍太郎 and 間野, 伸宏}, journal = {日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所報告}, month = {Jul}, note = {High-dose administration of ascorbic acid is expected to be beneficial for various diseases, but the mechanism is still unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effects of ascorbic acid administration on oxidative stress in a fish model. As a result, there were no differences between administration and control groups, except for a significant decrease in the CAT activity in hepatopancreas. On the other hand, lipid peroxide levels in all tissues were lower compared with control group, suggesting that this experimental system can be used as a model for high-dose ascorbic acid administration. In the future, it will be necessary to optimize the concentration, frequency, and duration of administration, and analyze the effects of the administration on the antioxidant defense capacity of each tissue throughout experimental period to conclude the usefulness of this administration model.}, pages = {61--66}, title = {魚類をモデルとした高用量アスコルビン酸投与による酸化ストレス軽減評価}, volume = {45}, year = {2023} }